Cookies policy

A cookie is a small text file that is stored in the browser when visiting almost any web page. Its purpose is for the website to be able to remember the visit when returning to that page. Cookies typically store technical information and are used to personalize content, obtain usage statistics, provide the service, among other purposes. The goal of the cookie is to adapt the web content to the profile and needs of the users.

The website uses Google Analytics cookies as an audience measurement tool. Browsing this website with cookies enabled in the browser implies acceptance of their use, at least for the necessary cookies in compliance with current regulations, which are never used to collect personal information.

Google Analytics performs measurement and statistical analysis of users' navigation to improve the services offered by the portal. The information generated by the cookie is transmitted and stored directly by Google.

To ensure anonymity, Google makes the collected information anonymous by changing the IP address before storing it. The IP addresses obtained through navigation are not associated with any other data held by Google, nor is the information collected by Google Analytics sent to third parties except when legally required to do so, in accordance with the conditions of Google Analytics service provision.

Cookie consent is granted. You can change your decision.